Pamoja Cleantech is a start-up enabling tech transfer for clean energy technologies in East Africa to excite social-economic development and climate change mitigation. During this spring Irena (Aalto University , Finland) and John, Federico, Goncal and Melih (KTH, Sweden) will spend few months in Uganda doing research related to their masters thesis made together with Pamoja Cleantech.

tiistai 3. tammikuuta 2012

All the roads lead to Uganda

Aalto Design Factory and Unicef started a long term collaboration in 2010. UNICEF Uganda Country Office was identified as a key initial partner, both because of the Technology for Development work currently underway and because of the richness of challenges and partners for this type of engagement.

Last summer after the 2 months work with John, Melih, Goncal and Federico I started an internship at Aalto Design Factory but was based at Unicef Uganda for the first one and a half months.

During the academic year 2011-2012 two courses from Aalto were selected to address real life cases for UNICEF. PdP and IDBM will have a joint project dealing with hygiene and sanitation. The students from PdP will consist of students from Aalto and Makarere University.

As the saying goes "All the roads lead to Rome" but in my case the roads lead to Uganda. At the moment I am managing a product development project at Aalto University, but am still also working with Pamoja the little I can.

In case you wan´t to follow my other project you may follow us at

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