30.3. Arrived in Kampala 8 am. Woke up from the most uncomfortable position in the airplane but everything was forgotten the second I saw the most amazing view beneath. I arrived in Africa! Thanks to my colleague William I had the warmest welcome + William had arranged a pick up for me. (otherwise I would´t have a qlue how to get to Kampala. By a taxi or a boda boda (Motorcycle taxi drivers ) The traffic is just cryptic! Due to the English colonialism the traffic is left-handed, the drivers are really “innovative” and crossing a street without pedestrian lines have given me some extra heart beats. I must admit that the first impression of Kampala is more modern than what I expected (and less rain, more sun and fewer mosquitos). The first day was just relaxing, adapting to the new continent and changing thoughts between team Finland and Uganda and started to plan adventures that out thesis team has ahead. Most import task still was enjoying the life in Kampala. I have a strong feeling that our relationship (me&Uganda) will develop into a love story during the next few months. First week I will stay at YWCA with my new friends from global pulse. The bar a few hundred meters away will keep me connected to the town beat the whole night.
From the heart of the mosquito net